Thursday, February 28, 2013

Roblox Battle

Hey guys, MothraFan2000 here. I've recently played a pretty popular game mostly played by people who play ROBLOX on their iPads. The game is called Roblox Battle, where you fend for yourself in an "all men/women for them selves" kind of situation. You have a choice of weapons. This includes: a sword, a slingshot, and rocket launcher (bazooka), a magic bouncy ball (not even really magic), and a deflector shield that you can use to deflect a bouncy ball or a rocket the other way. I think it's really fun, especially for beginners of the ROBLOX world. It can help you have some experience with sf (sword fights) and where the best place to hide is. Hope you guys can try this game out. Please tell us what you think of the game! Mothra out.

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