Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nacht Der Untoten (StarBattle version)

Hey guys, Mothra here (yes I'm changing the way I start out my posts). This is a game max and I have been playing for a long time (ok, not like 2 years or anything, maybe just about a month or so). So, if you play COD (Call of Duty), you probably know a part of the game that's all about zombies. Well, this guy, Starbattle, made his own version of Nacht Der Untoten, Shi No Numa, and Verruct (Der Reise according to him is coming soon). The games are actually very detailed, but I mostly want to talk about Nacht Der Untoten (as you could tell from the title of this post). The game looks almost EXACTLY like it is in COD. Even the mystery box works. The zombies' health raises in every level, so eventually the weapons you have will not be so effective sooner or later. The game has the same perks (instakill, double points, max ammo, carpenter, and nuke). Me and max's top weapons are: 1. Raygun 2. One of the two sniper rifles (don't have the name on the tip of my tongue) 3. Thompson 4. MP40 (at certain times) and finally 5. Trench shotgun (at certain times). Our ultimate strategy is to stay together and get all of the good weapons. In the game, you can only have two weapons (assuming that that's the case in COD; I've never played zombies mode). We recommend that you have the raygun and the Thompson. Use the Thompson as you main weapon and the raygun as your last resort. If you are trying to help anyother person from a giant group of zombies surrounding him/her, USE THE RAYGUN (has splash damage). If a zombie somehow just pops right in front of you, USE THE RAYGUN. If you get above wave 23 (our personal best), START USING THE RAYGUN AS YOUR MAIN WEAPON AND START USING THE THOMPSON AS A LAST RESORT. Our personal best (the farthest round max and I have gotten to) is 30. Max and I will soon make a video about this game as soon as I get the video thingy working and when I get a skype call recorder. Mothra out.

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