Saturday, May 4, 2013

382 Page Views (and some other stuff coming out soon)!

Hey guys, Mothra here (yes, I know it's been a long time). So as max said, we now have 377 page views, but now we have 382 viewers (it got updated). I guess you could consider this as a milestone. We know that you guys have LOTS and I mean LOTS of things to ask or recommend us to do. As a gift, we are now going to have our own email address, just so you can ask us what ever you want (please, not spamming)! The new email should come up around tomorrow (5/5/13), so get ready (especially us)! Please note that max, Yellow, and I speak only English, and we know that you guys are from all over the world. If you could send us emails in your best English, please do! Mothra out.

1 comment:

  1. hold up! i understand any language (google translate ftw)
